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Webinar: On its 100th birthday, is Northern Ireland working?

14:00 Wed 30 June: On its 100th birthday, is Northern Ireland working?

We are excited to announce two further talks in June, as part of our series of events aimed at reflecting on human rights developments against the backdrop of Northern Ireland’s centenary. Each talk is being hosted by Mishcon de Reya LLP, and will be an opportunity to hear from some fascinating and engaging speakers - please sign up below, through the Mishcon de Reya website.

100 years on from its creation, we look at how well or otherwise NI's political structure, economy, education and culture is functioning; as well as how it is wrestling with current issues such as equality, justice, Brexit and identity. We are pleased to have two exceptional speakers for this discussion: Sam McBride, one of the NI's foremost investigative journalists, authors and political editors, alongside Claire Hanna MP, one of NI's most prominent politicians.

Book your place on this webinar here

16 June

Webinar: NI at 100: Road to Rights - Defeating Criminalisation

21 September

London Irish Lawyers Association Summer Garden Party